Archive | Norcia

Umbria ‘ narrated’ and “of the good taste”

The Umbria of this itinerary has been narrated by many Italian and foreigns writers and poets. It has been portrayed by Medieval and Reinassence painters, thanks to the beauty of its villages and towns such as Montefalco, Spoleto and Norcia and of the landscape offered by Fonti del Clitunno, Valnerina, Parco dei Monti Sibillini and [...]

On the marks of umbrian saints

Probably will be its position in the middle of peninsula that encloses and protects it, or will be the open space position or the hills that make it exclusive, but Umbria is perfect for spending relaxing and peaceful times. If you’re looking for a silence fugue, here you can find it. It’s the ‘land of [...]

Walking across Umbria

An itinerary to do on foot, suitable for everyone, that leads in the heart of the region to appreciate its naturalistic beauty. Go slowly, cheerfully and discover once again the pleasure of the movement without hurry and noise except that one generously offered by nature. GubbioValfabbrica - AssisiSpelloSant'Anatolia di Narco - SpoletoCastelluccio di Norcia Gubbio is [...]