Gubbio is pre-eminently a mediaeval town and is located among the valleys which characterize Umbria.
In the beginning it was an Umbrian town, then Roman. In Roman Times it had great importance; and it is now possible to admire the beautiful Amphitheatre. It is during the Middle Ages that Gubbio, on a Roman plan, assumed the shape which is it has preserved until now. As a free commune it increased its power, and gained those cultural and artistic traditions which now characterize the town. Palaces were built, considered the most beautiful of that time for their great simplicity. It is a very interesting town for its monuments such as “palazzo dei consoli” (The Consuls’ Palace), “la fontana dei pazzi” (The Mad People’s Fountain) and the Basilica of Saint Ubaldo, where the famous “Ceri” (candles) are conserved. The candles are big wooden structures which are carried while running from the valley to the top of Igino Mountain, in occasion of the most famous Umbrian Festival; for this reason named “Corsa dei Ceri” (The Race of the Candle).

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